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The Dumb Ox Bellows

A 13th-century friar struggles to revitalize Christian theology using logic and reason, but intellectual opposition from peers, malicious slander by envious brethren, and “slavery of the pen” under two Popes drive him to mental collapse and loss of faith in his life’s work -- until God intervenes miraculously to affirm its merit. The extraordinary, true story of Saint Thomas Aquinas.-

A stubborn young 13th-century Italian noble defies his ambitious mother, THEODORA, and escapes imprisonment by her to become a Mendicant, a begging friar. Misinterpreting his quiet humility, his student brethren scorn him as a “dumb ox.” But his mentor, ALFRED THE GREAT, uncovers his intellectual genius and catapults him to fame.

His obsession -- to build a new Christian theology based on reason and logic -- meets fierce opposition from peers and is further thwarted when his renown condemns him to “slavery of the pen” under two enterprising Popes. Nevertheless, they drive him to produce some of his most celebrated music and theological literature.

With their deaths, he is free to pursue his dream. But scandal interrupts. The very existence of the Mendicant Orders is endangered by the malicious slander of envious Priests, and Christianity itself threatened by the amoral teachings of notorious Parisian philosopher, SIGER OF BRABANT. Alfred begs help and berates his spiritual son – his humility has become a vice! The “dumb ox” abandons his personal mission, reconciles with his dying mother and, with her blessing, hastens to Paris to fulfill his true destiny: to “bellow” in defense of truth, reason, religion, and morality in the 13th century’s battle for the minds and souls of Christendom.

Attacked by even his own brethren, he routs the enemy on all fronts. But a lifetime of spiritual warfare demands its toll: stunned by a heavenly vision, he suffers mental collapse. In despair, he repents his pride and love of wisdom over simple faith, and renounces his life’s work -- until God Himself intervenes. Astonished friars witness the miracle of levitation and hear the Divine Voice affirm the merit of the monumental theological system of Thomas Aquinas.

Perhaps add...

On the way to the Council of Lyon, Thomas falls ill and dies, content to have served God, faith, and reason as best he could.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Thomas: Benedict Cumberbatch.
Theodora, Thomas's mother: Roma Downey
Albert the Great: Anthony Hopkins
Author Bio:
Formerly represented by the late L. Harry Lee, New York.

Executive Producer on "Txtn."

Associate Producer on “Five Years Later.”

Co-Producer on Jason Whittier's "Letting Go," a look at cancer, love and loss, and moving on.

Associate Producer on "The Girl at the End of The World." starring Camilla Jackson.

Associate Producer on Dan McGone's short, "Half & Half."

Associate Producer on "Service of the Dolls, Part 2."

Contest Results:
CS Unique Voices (Semifinalist) [2020]
Page Turner- Faith Based (Semifinalist, recommended by consultant Linda Seger) [2023]
Los Angeles International (Semifinalist, recommended by consultant Linda Seger) [2020]
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