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New Century Writer Awards Announce Contest Winners

New Century Writer Awards has announced the Top 10 screenplay winners for the 2002 competition year. A total of 650 screenplays were received. The winners are:

1st Place: CON MAN by Murray Spitzer

2nd Place: OUT OF BODY by Nicole Jones

3rd Place: LIARS, THIEVES and KILLERS by Kris Hall

4th Place: YARDLEY DOWNS by Paul D. Navi

5th Place: BYZANCE by Pamela Theodotou

6th Place: GLASS HOUSE by Michael Baker (of London, England)

7th Place: FAMILY BUSINESS by Brian Adler & Richard Kohn

8th Place: STATION X by Phil Klemmer, Jr.

9th Place: PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS by Spencer Beglarian

10th Place: THE EXECUTIONER by Claudia Lanning

Updated: 03/16/2003

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