GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Santa Fe Screenwriting Conference Set for May 27th through June 1st, 2008

The 10th Santa Fe Screenwriting Conference will be held in Santa Fe, NM, from May 27th through June 1st 2008.

The conference features mentor classes, academy labs, over thirty specialized seminars, and The Hollywood Connection where you can attend producer panel discussions and pitch your screenplay in private to Hollywood producers.

"I feel that my life and vision for my work has been incredibly enriched and deepened both through the classes and the people I met. I wish I'd known about this and done it ten years ago; but I guess better late than never." (Attendee) Cary Ellis, Pagosa Springs, CO

"You guys were INCREDIBLE!! What a marvelous conference... and great students! Just loved it!!! I'd love to come back next year." Sharon Y. Cobb - Over a dozen sold screenplays, Who's Who in Entertainment, lecturer at UCLA and the WGA

For more info, visit

Updated: 12/14/2007

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