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Gray and Lover - The Hearth Tales Incident

People fear demons, demons fear Gray and Lover who confront a vengeful spirit unleashed by dark magic, embarking on a supernatural adventure across Seattle to save a writer from his murderous wife's occult machinations. "Gray and Lover: The Hearth Tales Incident" begins with the death of Saleel, an Afghan veteran who, before dying, sends a sinister occult book to his friend Bryce in Seattle. Unbeknownst to Bryce, using the book unleashes a vengeful demon, setting off a series of supernatural events. Meanwhile, in Seattle, Gray and Lover, a steampunk duo skilled in hunting demons, enjoy a night at a subculture bar before being tasked with a new assignment: protecting Bryce, a writer plagued by personal and supernatural troubles. Bryce, accompanied by his assistant Eva, arrives in Seattle for business events, unaware that his estranged wife Dawn has conspired with a voodoo priest to use the occult book against him. As Bryce reconnects with his old friend Frank, also a renowned horror writer, they share haunting tales by the fireside, unaware that the demon draws closer with each story told. The tension mounts as Bryce and Frank's attempts to thwart the demon's advances culminate in a dramatic showdown, where Gray and Lover intervene at the eleventh hour. Despite their efforts, the spell to defeat the demon backfires, sending Dawn and the demon into a parallel demonic realm. With Bryce liberated from his malevolent wife, he finds solace in Eva, his loyal assistant. Meanwhile, Gray and Lover, aided by a mysterious priest, prepare for their next mission, realizing that the occult book and its dark powers are linked to a larger, ominous threat that spans across cultures and religions. "Gray and Lover: The Hearth Tales Incident" sets the stage for a franchise exploring the depths of supernatural warfare and mystical intrigue, promising future adventures as Gray and Lover traverse global landscapes to confront demonic forces and protect humanity from ancient evils tied to the mysterious book.


The Teenage Bodyguard - TrueCrime/Biopic

True crime drama of the remarkable teen who shields a vulnerable waitress in 1974 at Tacoma's first topless restaurant, witness to a brutal mob murder, and faces down the powerful forces determined to silence her. TAG - Sex, drugs & rock-n-roll meet sex, guns & mayhem. In 1974 Tacoma, Washington, the city’s first topless club, the Tiki, serves as the headquarters for the notorious Carbone crime family, known as The Enterprise. Sara, a cocktail waitress at the Tiki, witnesses the murder of her friend and bouncer, Danny McCormick, by the Carbone family’s ruthless hitman, Richard “Waco” Caliguri. Realizing she is now a target, Sara seeks protection from an unexpected source: Gordie H., a brave yet inexperienced teenage boy ten years her junior. Gordie, armed and determined, agrees to protect Sara for a week until she can escape town. The duo hides out at a local sex and drug commune, venturing out only when absolutely necessary, which leads to several intense encounters and narrow escapes. During this perilous week, Sara and Gordie face relentless pursuit by Caliguri and the corrupt Pierce County Sheriff’s office, who are in the mafia's pocket. As they evade their pursuers, Gordie's backstory is revealed through flashbacks, showcasing his harrowing experiences and the skills he gained through the Civil Air Patrol and other daring exploits. In a desperate bid to throw off their hunters, Gordie switches cars with his friend Rick, who is on leave from the Army and staying at Gordie's apartment. Finally, Gordie manages to get Sara safely on a plane, but her escape takes a tragic turn when she is captured by the New York mafia upon arrival in Manhattan. As the federal authorities close in, the Carbone family's reign of terror ends, with many members imprisoned or dead. Caliguri, however, survives and walks out of prison years later as an old man. Gordie, scarred but wiser, moves on to his next bodyguard job, carrying the weight of a week that forever changed his life. The Teenage Bodyguard is a thrilling true crime tale of survival, courage, and the dark underbelly of 1970s organized crime. Producer Robert Mitas attached. 13 International Film Festival awards For more:


Sealed in Lies (adaptation)

Adaptation by request of author Kelly Abell's Spy Romance novel, once optioned. Ex-SEAL and undercover CIA operative Jack Weaver must thwart an assassination plot against the President-Elect while evading a deadly conspiracy that threatens to expose his true identity and end his life. Jack Weaver's life has been a series of deceptions, from his days as a Navy SEAL to his current role as an undercover CIA operative embedded within Colombia's largest drug cartel. As Chief Security Officer to a dangerous cartel leader, Jack uncovers a plot to assassinate the President-Elect on Inauguration Day. His world spirals into chaos when his ex-SEAL commander, now a CIA Deputy Director, appears and compromises his cover, forcing Jack to kill him in self-defense. With his cover blown and a relentless conspiracy led by a shadowy figure known only as the Emperor tightening around him, Jack is thrust into a desperate fight for survival. He must navigate a web of lies and danger, all while trying to prevent a catastrophic attack on the nation's highest office. As the clock ticks down, Jack becomes the only person who can stop the assassination, but to succeed, he must confront the deepest truths about his own identity and the sinister forces pulling the strings.


Dark of kNight (adaptation)

Adaptation by request of author TL Mitchell's first book in the Werewolf / Vamp series. Those mean old despicable Werewolves...Vampires just hate them. This is why. In a small Georgia town plagued by werewolf attacks, Julie Knight discovers her destiny as the last of an ancient Lycan bloodline, rekindling a dangerous romance with a mysterious scientist to battle the deadly threat. Synopsis: Julie Knight returns to Spring Place, GA, after her father's death, only to discover a hidden world of supernatural conflict. As animal attacks terrorize the town, Julie learns she is the last of an ancient Lycan bloodline, destined to guard Fort Mountain. Reuniting with her old flame, Daniel Maxwell, a mysterious scientist, their rekindled romance is tested by deadly threats. Together with a secretive group, they must fight against a menacing pack of werewolves. Julie and Daniel's love faces its ultimate trial in a battle for survival.



In a future where virtual reality blurs the line between worlds, scientist Dr. Marko delves into a VR experiment gone wrong, inadvertently connecting Earth with the mysterious desert planet Beulah. Caught between two worlds, young prophet Ahriman must navigate political intrigue and cosmic conflict to save both planets from impending destruction. : Dr. Marko, a scientist researching virtual reality societal simulations on Earth, discovers an anomaly when the legendary figure Ahriman appears in his lab's VR environment. Meanwhile, on the desert planet Beulah, Ahriman, a charismatic yet troubled young prophet, struggles against political turmoil and religious fanaticism under the guidance of his wise uncle, Ormazd. As the VR experiment malfunctions, Ahriman is transported to Earth, where his presence triggers global unrest and attracts the attention of powerful factions. Manipulated and kidnapped, Ahriman's persuasive abilities escalate tensions until a global crisis looms. With Earth on the brink of invasion, Ahriman realizes his uncle's life is in jeopardy back on Beulah. Driven by a desire for peace and reconciliation, Ahriman must confront his own people's aggressors and prevent a catastrophic war. Despite his efforts, Earth intervenes, leading to the destruction of Beulah. Alone and haunted by loss, Ahriman finds solace in a reconstructed VR simulation of his homeworld, where he encounters a digital manifestation of his beloved uncle. The story concludes with a poignant reunion in the virtual realm, hinting at the possibility of future adventures as Ormazd's loyal fighters contemplate their next move in the aftermath of interplanetary devastation.

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