A mysterious young, Irish girl, who refuses to name herself, insists that Aiden O’Brien, a Los Angeles literary agent read her work—both their lives depend on it! Despite Aiden’s repeated attempts to destroy the script, it returns, together with a host of Celtic demons and a sign, in Gaelic, “The Past Does Not Die.”
I love to explore and write, in serious and comic forms, stories of those who, through choice or happenstance, find themselves strangers in a strange land (or even in their own land).
London Independent (First Place) [2024]
Hollywood Blood (First Place) [2021]
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Post Your Script Here!Three Days of Denver - It's Been a Long Road for David Wooderson
A seventeen year old golf prodigy and his mom are upended and move to small town Iowa in 1976.
Perfect Beau
A Plain Jane clones her ideal boyfriend out of her girlfriend's boyfriends' DNA for her senior class project.
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A law-abiding, church-going court stenographer becomes a one-woman vigilante assassinating violent domestic abusers (and other deviants) after their third offense.
Psychotic USA
A dramedy.. A twisted view of the ineptness of modern day psychiatric treatment as seen through the lens of four patients in an asylum.
A world renowned heart transplant surgeon is a magician at finding compatible hearts for wealthy clients.
Nina and Flossie
Three septuagenarian European sisters scheme to dump a dead body that the eldest killed in the middle of the night as a result of a break-in.
A gay army deserter adrift in a war-torn African country vows to save a girl trafficked into prostitution to redeem himself for an earlier promise he could not keep.
In the wake of a terrifying and traumatic encounter with RUTHLESS characters, a 14 year old minister - mourns his twin sister, and scorns the GOD he once fervently praised.
A cautious investigator is none the less drawn in, along with four other heirs, by the reading of a billionaire rare book dealer’s will, they’re sealed in an airtight panic room, and with only four hours air, must solve the centuries-old mystery contained in the book ‘The Castilian Cypher’ in order to escape.
Pilot log line: An Iranian classical guitar teacher in a small Cali town, afraid of losing connection with his teens, decides on a daily ritual to bring his family closer.